Thursday, April 24, 2008

The New York Comic con was awesome!!! I did a little photo coverage and chat about it sponsored by the Toysrevil blog run by Andy Heng:
I wanted to take way more pictures but I had to work the Xmoor Studios booth and it got crazy busy with that huge crowd that attended. Just want to say thanks to all who stopped by and bought some Xmoor books and stuff from Rob G. and myself. Galtow issue # 4 coming soooon!!!!
See ya next year!

The two funniest things I saw at the convention this year (of course it had to do with Dookie Poo....cracked me up something fierce and made my day):

Thursday, April 10, 2008

New York Comic Con April 18 - 20th!!! (
Here we come!!! I 'll be there with Xmoor Studios ( at Exhibitor booth # 1963 along with some special guests Steven Harris who publishes The Fringe :
Regine Sawyer of LockitDown Publications who is getting ready to release her book The Rippers:
and Julio Roman of Roman Studios with his Uughs property:

Sneak peek time!!! Galtow issue #4 is under way and nearing completion so I thought I'd drop a teaser of one of the pages:

The Xmoor Studios convention special bust for the NYC con and the ECBACC con right after. Almost forgot about this - my bad...

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

The finished full color Papa Legba image I submitted to John Jennings - "The Hole" pinup book. My buddy Grimbro drop some wicked colors on my lines really brought the image to life. I told him to run free on it and surprise me - and he sure did! Thank you Grimmy!!!
See more of Grimbro's awesome works here: and here: